Being a Teen is Hard... But it Doesn't Have to Be.
Being a teenager is hard, but there are ways that can help. What is Mental Health and What do I do? According to the CDC, mental health in adolescence is trending down. Not caring for mental health can cause bad grades, negative, violent behavior, and other risky behaviors such as drug use (Allensworth, 2013). It is important to see your family physician and ask about what you can do for your mental health. Sometimes they will recommend that you find something you enjoy doing to use as an outlet as well as if they are getting enough sleep and exercise to help maintain mental health. Other times, they may recommend therapy or antidepressant medication. These are a few things that can help with mental health: - Catch some Zs. First, analyze your sleep schedule and determine if it is benefiting you and your mental health. A ccording to " How to achieve mental wellness beyond just therapy and meds" , getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night is a ...